Respect the Tread
Please abide and let the trails at Mount Diablo State Park and surrounding parks drain and dry out for a few days after this weekend’s atmospheric river.
Most trails below 2,000 feet elevation (e.g., Junction Ranger Station) can become soft, making the tread vulnerable to damage.
If the fire roads are soft and muddy, the trails will be even worse and can be quickly damaged by trail users of any mode.
It takes all of us. Respecting the tread applies to Cyclists, Equestrians, Runners and Hikers.
Cyclists, please don’t let the hunt for Hero Dirt become a zero-sum game. If your tires collect mud or leave a rut-like imprint or linear channel on the trail’s tread, please turn around.
Equestrians, please avoid Little Yosemite, Sunset and Secret trails for at least one week after periods of heavy rain. Historically, these trails need more time to dry out to handle 1,000 pound Horses.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping to protect the trails at Mount Diablo State Park and also the hard work of our amazing community of Dig Day volunteers.
Since the October 2023 inception of the Shared Stewardship model, 600+ volunteers have logged 4,000+ hours maintaining 8 miles of trails at Dig Days, using standards-based, policy-based techniques.