Let’s See Action

To prepare Dig Day volunteers for a rewarding experience, our instructional videos cover three important categories: 1) Safety and Prep, 2) Tool Time and 3) Full Bench Construction.

Alongside the important Safety and Maintenance Handbooks (available for FREE download on our Resources Library webpage) and the support of Crew Captains at Dig Days, the videos are developed to facilitate your preparedness.

Please review all of the videos in each category prior to the Dig Day.

Thank you for your support.

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  • • 3/6/25

    Bring a Full Backpack

    At Dig Days, the work zones can cover a lot of territory. You likely will be far away from your vehicle all day. Please bring gloves, eye protection, hard hat or helmet (if planning to use pick mattock), and lots of food and water. Also wear long pants and long sleeves to protect against the sun and ticks.

  • • 3/6/25

    Flag Markers Serve Two Purposes

    Flag Markers provide a visual guidepost for how deep into the backslope the trail will be widened to re-establish the full bench and 5% outsloped tread. The Flag Markers also establish buffer zones for the crew members to ensure a positive, safe experience for everyone given the tools can be dangerous.

  • • 3/6/25

    A Sharp Tool Is a Safe Tool

    At Dig Days, Crew Captains will have sharpening files. Please ask for a tool sharpening every 2 hours, or when necessary, depending on soil conditions. A sharp tool makes for efficient cutting/chopping of the dirt and also reduces stress on the operator’s arms and wrists.

  • • 3/6/25

    Poison Oak - Identify & Stand Clear

    Poison Oak resides along many of the trails at Mount Diablo State Park. At Dig Days, Crew Captains will call out poison oak hot spots with Red or White flag markers, but it is still important to know what it looks like so you can avoid the dreaded, itchy rash.